Perfect Tips To Minimize Your Razor Bumps

02/25/2016 20:34
Razor bumps have definitely been an issue that primarily males have needed to face. This is no more the scenario as a lot more females have brought to shaving their lower legs and bikini parts. Men have certainly been mindful with razor bumps as a result of frequent shaving of their facial hair and mustaches. The word razor bumps is applied to illustrate a medical ailment called pseudofolliculitis barbae. This regards the small bumps or pimples which typically happen after shaving.
Razor bumps occur whenever hair that has been shaved begins to grow again but this time it curls and re-enters the skin. On re-entering it causes the body to activate its defense systems thinking that the hair is a foreign object. The body's response to ingrown hairs causes inflammation which in many cases can be very painful. In severe situations the skin layer may burst out into pus and could even scar totally depending upon the seriousness of the irritation.
Men have indeed been applied to dealing with razor bumps using various means which may also apply perfectly to women. Women are used to shaving their legs and bikini areas. This is because today it is considered "uncool" if bikini hair peeks on the side or at the top of low cut or high cut bikini. It is also noticeable that most bikini manufacturers are coming up with smaller sized and smaller swimsuits that cannot be definitely used with no shaving. This has required a whole industry devoted to shaving and waxing that encounters billions of dollars every year in spa treatment methods and shaving items.
Several ladies struggle with the unsightly effects of bikini razor burn. There are however, home remedies for razor bumps or four major techniques that women can employ to totally eliminate annoying bikini razor bumps. Let us look at them:
The Razor. Among the very most usual causes for bikini razor burn or in-grown hairs is re-using a shaving razor. A lot of females report that they apply the same razor at least 4 times. This is the main reason why the skin breaks out. Old razors have lost their sharp edge and therefore do not shave closely. By using a totally new razor, women can absolutely remove bikini razor bumps from developing or a minimum of considerably minimize them.
The Water. Several individuals favor to soak within the tub right before showering. While this particular might be a quite soothing strategy, it creates the skin to become softer thereby making it easier for it to react to ingrown hair. In order to eliminate bikini ingrown hairs or razor burn, it is recommended that you shave immediately you enter the shower or tub.
Soap or Gel. Another method that works in eliminating these razor bumps is to use clinically-approved gel. Many women use ordinary body scrub to shave. Although this is not absolutely harmful and there are those who have not yet documented any unhealthy effects, this is not the advised technique of shaving. To lessen razor bumps in the bikini area, using medically-approved shaving gel is the technique to go. These are even readily obtainable in local pharmacies.
Just in case your razor bumps may get worst you can get specialist guidance and cure. However if you wish to learn more about getting rid of your razor bumps in a natural way try to pay a visit on this website.